Justice For Yoo

Photograph of John Yoo

Photograph of John Yoo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

John Yoo, law professor at UC Berkeley and former Justice Department lawyer, had a few things to say on Friday, regarding the constitutionality of the White House decision to defer enforcement of immigration law:

Obama has pursued a dangerous change in the powers of his office that disregards the Constitution’s careful separation of power between the branches of the federal government. The Constitution imposes on the president two clear duties – to protect the national security and to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Obama is the first chief executive since Richard Nixon to ignore a duly-enacted law simply because he disagrees with it, in clear defiance of his constitutional duty.

I took the view that the White House could refuse to carry out an unconstitutional law that infringed on the president’s commander-in-chief authority to manage war and defend the national security. … But the president cannot refuse to enforce a law simply because he disagrees with it.

Worried about Hispanic support for his re-election, however, Obama simply decided to unilaterally enact his own legislation. But under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, the president has the duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

There is a world of difference between putting aside laws that interfere with an executive response to an attack on the country, as in Sept. 11, 2001, and ignoring laws to appeal to a constituency vital to re-election.

Is Obama’s end-run around the Constitution (and the Congress), an effort to do what he thinks is right?  Or as Yoo suggests, is it simply pandering presidential politics?

Link to a study Yoo co-authored about the constitutionality of the deferment

info from huffpo.com

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Light Pollution


saw an item re why many of us have trouble getting to bed, and getting out of bed, in USA Weekend
“If you frequently have difficulty falling asleep, then find yourself tired and not wanting to get up, you likely have a longer internal clock” says nyc author Michael Terman, in his new book, Chronotherapy: Resetting Your Inner Clock to Boost Mood, Alertness, and Quality Sleep

Terman goes on to say, “The first step if you are sleep-challenged is to keep your bedroom absolutely dark. Even the smallest amount of light pollution is sending signals to your brain that shifts your internal clock.”
Donate your nightlights to the Salvation Army.


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A Lesson In Reinvention

Moptop Bee Gees

Folkie Bee Gees

Studio Bee Gees

Boogie Bee Gees

Disco Bee Gees


Talk Show Bee Gees

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Education Poll

Tweed Courthouse, New York City - The headquar...

Image via Wikipedia

The Daily News has an article in Friday’s paper about how the New York City Department of Education is making plans to lay off 4,100 teachers, while spending over $1,000,000,000 on outside consultants. (And oh, by the way, sometimes the consultants the D.O.E. hires aren’t even Americans.)

Of course this shows just how corrupt Mayor Bloomberg is, as he single-handedly controls the D.O.E. (a change he insisted on a few years ago).  In effect, he is funneling public tax monies into the hands of private concerns.

How do New Yorkers feel about it? Well, the News has put an inset poll adjacent to their article. It asks, “Do you think $1 billion is too much for the city to spend on consultants?”  As of this writing, fully 96% have answered “Yes, that seems outrageous. The money would be much better spent on keeping teachers in the classroom.”

Isn’t someone who’s elected supposed to pay at least some attention to the will of the people?

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More Than A Movie

Bret Easton Ellis tweeted thusly:


The two key American films of the 1990’s: Pulp Fiction, Bottle Rocket…
This got me thinking.  I’m not sure what he means by “key”, but I’m thinking it’s somewhere along the lines of: that of which the existence of is necessary to move the form of film forward to make possible the better films of the present.
So this idea got me thinking some more.  About what? Well, for one thing, about how if “Pulp Fiction” is a “key” film, the movies of the ’90’s really sucked.  This is probably the case; for example, I remember that I saw pretty much every movie of 1993, and I felt that the best one was Clint Eastwood’s In The Line Of Fire. Now, that’s not a bad movie, but it’s a sign of those times that that was the best that Hollywood could do in a year. (Oh, and Pulp Fiction? To my eye at the time, a stream of silly, borderline boring vignettes.)
And for another thing, thinking about: What was a key movie? Of any time?
Well, it’s easy to say something like 2001: A Space Odyssey. Fresh, had ideas, (as well as the best villain in all of filmdom) and propelled movie-making forward technically and creatively.
Is that enough?
Yes, I guess it’s enough to qualify as a key film.  But then I thunk some more, and I thunk of Mulholland Drive. And it’s sort-of-sequel, Inland Empire.  There is something in these films that makes them more than films. A dimension of sorts has been added.  They are not perfect movies. Still, there is something. David Lynch started out as an artist, and yes, you can see that influence in his movies. But these two flicks are not just art films either. And they are not just art. So here’s where I’m supposed to explain this new form that Lynch has created and prove to you exactly how and why it is distinct from previous films or art. But I can’t. I can’t explain it at all.
All I can tell you, is that Lynch has found some unknown truth(s).  He has found it in mythology. He has found it in the bible. He has found it in art and he’s found it in film and he’s found it I-don’t know-where-all, and he has weaved it through his work. And has created, I would posit, something new entirely.
Cover of "Mulholland Drive"

Cover of Mulholland Drive













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Who’s The Crazy One?

Lawrence O’Donnell gets so hysterical on his Wednesday show, he ends a segment halfway through. O’Donnell accuses his guest Orly Taitz of being “crazy”. Well, as you can see, there certainly is a crazy person in this video.

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The Party Line On Libya

(en) Libya Location (he) מיקום לוב

Image via Wikipedia


Even though it was reported some days ago that the possibility of loyalist “massacres” of rebels was way overstated, I am still hearing Eugene Robinson still talking about “Qaddhafi massacring his own people.” Is Robinson really that uninformed or is he just lying to you? And are the news editors and producers at MSNBC pushing this agenda of promoting the use of American tax dollars to bomb Libyans in support of a French oil deal.  As the magic 8-ball might say, “SIGNS POINT TO YES”.
Qaddhafi did not attack anyone until the Eastern rebels took military assets. If the rebels stood down, it is highly likely that the loyalists would respect a cease-fire and diplomacy could be given a chance. The truth is that the East has wanted a war for a long time. We see from various Wikileaks cables that the East is more conservative and Islamist than the West, and that the French had become impatient and disgruntled with Qaddhafi over business dealings. The Financial Times has reported that the more conservative East was concerned about Qaddhafi’s health and they are afraid of Qaddhafi’s son Saif coming to power and instituting the liberal reforms that he has been promising.  And that is the reason we are dropping bombs on Libyans.
Why have CNN, the New York Times, and MSNBC, organizations that we expect to be anti-war, been such cheerleaders for this war? Well, the major investor in the Times is an oilman. The other two media outlets are owned by conglomerates; perhaps their major investors would have something to gain by cutting Qaddhafi out of the oil biz. Follow the money, and I’m sure the reasons we are killing Libyan loyalists will become much clearer.

All The Propaganda That’s Fit To Print

New York Times Tower in Manhattan.

Image via Wikipedia

The Times has come out with a story on school “reform”.  I admit I haven’t finished reading this multi-page piece, but so far, a few things have jumped out at me.  Some odd things within:

New York Times on former Chancellor Joel Klein: When Klein started, for instance, less than 50 percent of New York’s incoming high-school freshmen were graduating in four years. That number is now 63 percent.

The explanation for this is pretty simple: under Klein, the city’s high schools were encouraged to practice grade inflation, and to rubber-stamp diplomas.  But there is no mention of this in the article.  Do you imagine that the New York Times has no idea of this widespread practice that most teachers in the system bemoan loudly and frequently?  Guess again.

On “innovation”: Individual schools … were expected to earn good grades on their report cards from the city — another Klein innovation — or risk closure.

So now, schools that expel troubled kids (or never accept them at all) will exhibit “improved” student learning, and earn better grades on their city report cards.  I student-taught in a school that took any child.  And even if they were sent to juvy, the school would really work to get that kid back in the school after their time was served.  That school is being closed due to Klein’s “innovations”, while schools that have expelled many are painted as “success” stories.  Please.

On “bold policies”: Klein’s successor, Cathleen Black, made it clear that she planned to continue the bold policies that he started implementing after his appointment by Mayor Bloomberg in 2002.

Why does the Times neglect to mention that Cathie Black had a 17% approval rating before she resigned?  I mean 17%??  They believe this is not relevant information?

Well, hopefully, the Times will address some of these things later in the piece, but from their previous ridiculously biased education “reporting”, I won’t be holding my breath.  (I’ll probably continue reading and commenting in later posts.)

Borba The Boor


Image by Candie_N via Flickr

On MSNBC, Michele Borba, “Educational Psychologist”, says teachers should be in the halls to herd kids into their classrooms. Well, how do you do all the things you are required to do like: write your Aim, Agenda, and Do Now instructions on the board, put your materials where they need to be (remember – most teachers do not have their own classrooms – they are coming into the classroom at the same time as the students), set up your overhead and/or unlock the calculators or set up any other equipment you’ll be using for the lesson, oh and also keep your eyes on the students who are inside the classroom (you are responsible for the students’ safety when they are in the classroom) – when you are STANDING OUT IN THE HALL?

Borba is completely illogical and she is either being disingenuous and simply spouting a party line that does not support teachers, or my guess is she couldn’t teach her way out of a paper bag.

Also, is it efficient and economically responsible to pay people who hold master’s degrees (and sometimes even doctorates) to act as hall monitors, when they have been hired to perform educational tasks  – you know, like TEACHING?

Truth And Consequences

WMD world map

Image via Wikipedia

McChrystal bane Michael Hastings tweets this to our attention:  The Terrorist Consequences of the Libyan Intervention by Paul R. Pillar at The National Interest Blog


…we should remember that anything done to Qaddafi is being done to someone who had given up terrorism.

…think about the lessons that will be drawn if someone who gave up not only terrorism but also his unconventional weapons programs in return for normal relations and acceptance in the international community is made a target for regime change. The lesson that the mullahs in Tehran and others will draw is that it would be useless to reach any agreement with the West about terrorism or nuclear weapons because the West is really interested above all in regime change and, regardless of any agreements that may have been reached, will seize the first opportunity that comes along to try to realize that goal.


So, in other words, why would any current leaders work towards security and peace with the West; why bother with diplomacy when we’ll bomb them the first chance we get anyway?  And why give up weapons of mass destruction when we ask, if we are just going to attack them after they do.  This Libyan War, oh excuse me, I mean this Libyan Time-Limited, Scope-Limited Military Action (in White House-speak), may send exactly the wrong message about our trustworthiness as a partner and our ability to enact change through diplomacy, to those in power whom we would liked to have influenced.

Tweets XVI


should be mandatory RT: @markknoller: Elected officials can’t know how bad the tax code is unless they fill out their own tax returns.

How Obama and CNN lied to you about “massacres” to get us into war in Libya: http://bo.st/gQlhIu via Boston Globe

. @andycinek @cyndidannerkuhn easy to show improvement when test is dumbed down. Wonder who’s making the money from laptop sales? #bhschat

Actually Jason Bay is really amazing; he is the second man to be made entirely of glass. #chadpennington

Using the epithet “teabaggers” isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. Talking issues, platforms, and where teaparty funding comes from might.

corp welfare MT @DianeRavitch Great news for Apple: All kindergarteners in Auburn, ME will get an ipad 2. But is it good news for the kids?

MT @DianeRavitch Failure of vouchers in Milwaukee has no effect on advocates. Once again, ideology trumps evidence.

hilar RT @RepJackKimble Test scores equally depressing at public schools. 25% in bottom quartile according to http://www.laststand4children.org

“Fan Mail to #Mets players should be sent to their attention at Citi Field, Flushing, NY 11368. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope.”

.@monbud IIRC, that schnoodle used to be the lounge act at Al’s Casa di Monzo in Monroeville, PA


General:The US may consider sending troops into Libya to help rebels http://bit.ly/hdtDPe

oh brother RT @TerryMoran Burgoyne said Am Rev.soldiers were “a rabble in arms, flushed w success and insolence” A little like the Libyans.

FB: “People You May Know: Bill Mumy”

.@danreilly11 RT @monbud This dog is the worst piano player ever. and don’t get me started on his singing http://youtu.be/PiblYasnzWE

MT: @johndelsignore thumbs up: Anything Goes

17% approval rating RT @Schiumo BREAKING: NY1 reportg Schools Chancellor Cathie Black leaving office. NY1 live news conference w/in the hour

Technology! RT: @jacobwe: I have TWO subscriptions to the New Yorker and still can’t get past its damn paywall.

. @SirKB makin me laugh on a Monday morning

Now Extra Stalkery! RT: @titivil: If there’s one thing that I always thought Gmail needed it’s better ads.

seems some think those w/in their own socio-economic class should be free to burn flags, but those outside it shouldnt be free to burn books

new york city subway system killin it as far as art and entertainment goes anyway.

the thought police are at it again -New Jersey Teacher Suspended Over Facebook Post – http://nyti.ms/h0Rg80

highlighting pastor’s “role”, NYT chose to omit this -> BBC: inciters led rioters to believe that Americans were burning hundreds of Korans.

main BBC story re the U.N. murders did not even mention FL pastor. NYT had 2 prominent stories focusing on FL pastor. #tabloid

BBC: rioters chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Jews” prior to U.N. murders

NYT: Taliban oppose girls’ education – Kandahar school for girls attacked/burned Saturday

If conservatves beheaded DNC workers because I burned an Am.flag in protest of Iraq war, would u think I was culpable? #umightjustbeafascist

Obama should be leading an attack in Wisconsin, not in Libya. #frrealz #kucinich

I’m so proud of our President for doubling Peace Corps, putting end to our wars, and improving public education. Just like he said he would.

Is Michelle Rhee a 16th Century Throwback? http://huff.to/ifoCaX via @huffingtonpost

The editrix says it is Jon Lee not John Lee. (I was only listening, not watching the tube.) So sue me!

I mean when the *Pentagon* thinks going to war is a bad idea, shouldn’t that be a clue?

New Yorker correspondent John Lee Anderson to Spitzer: there are well under 1000 fighters in the whole of the Libyan rebel forces

NYT: C.I.A. operatives have been working in Libya for several weeks and are part of a shadow force of Westerners

Transparency in action? RT: @marcambinder: The White House won’t comment on the Reuters story, which isn’t surprising.

“Most of all, let’s confront the terrorists w everything we’ve got”-Obama’07. Let’s arm terrorists, islamists and idontknow-whoall -Obama’11

“I have a plan that will bring our combat troops home [from Iraq] by March of 2008.” -Obama ’07

“Let’s be the generation that finally frees America from the tyranny of oil.” -Obama ’07

“What’s stopped us from meeting these challenges …is the failure of leadership” -Obama ’07

“a war with no end, a dependence on oil that threatens our future” -Obama ’07

! RT: @andylevy: Reuters: Obama has signed secret order authorizing covert US gov’t support for rebel forces in Libya

The folks who brought you Vietnam NYT: the French are placing “mounting pressure on the U.S. to provide greater assistance to the rebels”

The real reason for Michelle Rhee’s “success”: D.C. to dig deeper on test score irregularities http://t.co/J8Gp5Co

Read Your Wikileaks -> Eastern Libya is more hardline, Islamist, and anti-reforms than Western Libya.

what next RT: @SurfingTheMets: Bay has a strained intercostal (rib cage) muscle.

in what way is this not a war? MT @clancycnn Misrata,Libya reportd under seige w/ pro-Gadhafi forces moving in. Coalition warplanes circling

They must think we r the biggest dumbasses MT: @ByronYork: Why do jihadis who killed Americans recve US support in Libya? http://ow.ly/4oyVw

Obama Libya Speech Fudges the Details http://shar.es/3RVsZ

Paterson #2012?

Governor Paterson: “Come Out #Mets Fans! Come Out!!”, “Lets Believe!”, “In Spring you have the RIGHT TO BELIEVE”

Gov. Paterson sports talk radio show on WFAN #surreal

Arab Spring? Or Iranian/Islamist takeover of the rest of the Middle East and harbinger of WWIII. #thanksObama!

The beneficiaries? – armaments companies worldwide and Dennis Kucinich

The Neocons have never been this irresponsible RT: @JoeNBC: Barack Obama. Neocon.

@markknoller I’d like it if you guys would ask why Eastern Libyan forces count as “the Libyan people” and loyalists don’t

I didn’t think New Yorkers were afraid of anything, but it turns out they *are* afraid of one thing: @BronxZoosCobra

I wanna see Anything Goes

Natalie Portman’s Black Swan Dance Double: they digitally put her face on my body; Natalie did ~ 5% of the dancing http://on.wsj.com/hbrDJk

“With the Mets, there always is something” RT @NYPost_Kernan Sunday read: #Mets #MLB Jason Bay’s Memory Card was full: http://nyp.st/icETsa

The UN needs to have observers and peacekeepers in most of these Arab countries. Instead, they drive around Israel in search of a latte.

.@NickKristof Qad didn’t attack til Eastrn forces took mil assets. If rebels stand down, fighting will cease. Dif situ from other conflicts

She did indeed RT: @edmondesq: Hillary sounded presidential. MT “@murphymike: HRC very good on Meet the Press today. #mtp” #HRC2012

Koppel: The question has not been answered – Why has Libya won the “humanitarian defense sweepstakes of 2011”?

HRC sounds almost heartfelt; I hope she hasn’t partaken of the kool-aid. #Libya

the song I couldn’t think of at lunch was Got To Get You Into My Life #nobodycares

the password is … MISSION CREEP

Dig up Judge Green MT @Corcoran310 Once AT&T/T-Mobile deal finished, only a matter of time before Verizon and AT&T merge? Ma Bell returns!

here we go RT: @WSJMidEast: U.S. Considers Arming Libyan Rebels http://on.wsj.com/hZ0CfK

Glasvegas’ The World Is Yours reminds me of The Tourists’ Blind Among The Flowers #nobodycares

NYT The Lede refers to “Libyan War” not Libyan Time-Limited, Scope-Limited Military Action.

… and it talks like a duck, it’s probably a “time-limited, scope-limited military action.” http://hrld.us/hxkCZD

Reuters: Turkey doesn’t want the alliance conducting ops that could harm civilians; doesn’t want new smaller coalition bombing libyan forces

WCTI: Marines have conducted Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel mission in support of two F-15 pilots after their airplane crashed in Libya

FT: US accounts for about 75% of the defence spending of all NATO countries.

State Dept: Six Americans injured in Jerusalem bus bombing

“…engaging terrorists and tyrants is not a bold, new policy but only the repetition of an old, failed policy” http://tinyurl.com/4g3gfw6

A great LA Times story on the rebels. The kind that would make one nervous if one had lobbied for intervention. http://tinyurl.com/4fa3u6o

u r facebook friends w/ Dan Quayle? RT: @Klowner I keep seeing facebook status updates with “potatoe” and “tomatoe” and it’s driving me nuts

Jim Mik: some US street gangs have better command and control than Libyan rebels

British tourist Mary Jane Gardner slaughtered in Jerusalem bus bombing (via @igoogledisrael @nealunger)

In the 1980s, we spent millions arming anti-Soviet militias in Afghanistan. That worked out great, so why not repeat it in Libya?

WH: We are not pursuing regime change. Qaddafi must go. #doublethink

The US military operation in Libya is costing hundreds of millions, and price tag could rise: http://apne.ws/grPlMm -MS

.@mmhastings tangent – lot of people who self-identify as “liberals” are pro-privatization, pro bailouts of banks/ins.co’s, anti-labor, etc

Yale Law School emBARKing on a pilot program – http://nyti.ms/dEKfGw

seeds of civil war and islamist state in Eastern Libya http://tinyurl.com/49c47vp

2/10 wikilieak cable: the French increasngly frustratd w/Libyans’ failure to deliver on promises re professionl exchanges & commercial deals

ur tax $$ at work MT @ChrisWragge CBS nat’l sec corresp D.Martin: In last24 hrs US flew 53 missions/dropped 10 bombs. Other airforces: 26/8

@Max_Fisher the French never do anything just because they’re nice; I think NATO’s cause will become clear if we “follow the money”

Apocalypse Now, Day Of The Jackal, What’s Up Doc, Marathon Man RT: @Corcoran310 I’m only watching movies from the 70’s until further notice.

Democracy in action? A victory for Sharia law and the Muslim Brotherhood #Egypt via @arabist: religion in referendum http://arb.st/grEdBx

@David_Williams Bombing Libya will not save innocents. Rebels standing down, UN peacekeepers preservng ceasefire + practicing diplomacy will

.@David_Williams If you don’t understand that this is an oil deal, you are living in a Shirley Temple movie. #Libya

please remember that the largest single investor in the New York Times is an oilman

.@David_Williams I’m not an apologist for Qad. I’m saying why spend Am. lives to replace one strongman with another. For a French oil deal?

.@David_Williams The UN should have boots on the ground in many Arab countries to ensure human rights

.@David_Williams We have not witnessed any trend toward civil rights in the Middle East

.@David_Williams If the opposition would stand down, there would be no more fighting. Qaddafi did not attack til rebels took military assets

The bad thing about having HRC as Secy of State is she’s actually friends with these heads of state. #partial

The good thing about having HRC as Secy of State is she’s actually friends with these heads of state. #power

.@David_Williams We have no proof that the opposition is being funded by moderate non-sectarian democracy-seekers. Quite the contrary #Libya

@David_Williams My point is that Kucinich is *actually* antiwar, while Obama only pretended to be. I did not say Obama shoud be impeached.

Kucinich talking impeachment #antiwar

btw, war cheerleader NYT major investor Helu is also in the oil biz. Other major war cheerleaders include CNN (conglomerate Time Warner)

I’m bullish on armaments.

Barack H. Obama – Follower Of The Free World

are we fighting in the right spot? MT @JaredCohen As Operation Odyssey Dawn unfolds in #Libya, terrorists fire 54 mortars into Israel

MT: @IDFSpokesperson: Dozens of mortars fired from Gaza land in Israel, Israeli civilians injured

some cease-fire MT @peterstefanovic Pentagon: 120 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from the sea. First phase of multi-phase operation

Remember – it was the French that got us into Vietnam

Obama is a worse POTUS than I ever thought possible MT @slowfalling so we’re starting our war in Libya on the 8th anniv. of our war in Iraq?

An excellent question. RT @columlynch: where are the Arab warplanes, assets?

unreal MT @chrisalbon MT @RE_Orient Now you know what Obama will speak about in 35 min RT @mpoppel US launches first missiles inside Libya

WAR RT: @BreakingNews: French war planes destroy 4 Libyan tanks in air strikes south west of Benghazi, Al Jazeera tv reports – Reuters

The US military is a bunch of war criminals — unless they are ordered to fight the war you like. Then it’s cool.

just great MT @brianstelter NYT lead: Am, Eur & Arab leaders began largest intl military intervention in Arab world since invasion of Iraq..

HALLELUJAH RT: @Ledger_NYMets: Mets cut Luis Castillo in first major personnel move of GM Sandy Alderson’s tenure http://bit.ly/fAowLD

“the latest in home exercise equipment” – http://nyti.ms/evpG1E

typical. RT: @palafo: WSJ: “Obama Stands by Nuclear Power” http://on.wsj.com/f8hKYj (via @nytjim)

“Soviet info was limited and unsubstantiated” MT @palafo EPA: Chernobyl radiation reached U.S. West Coast in a week http://1.usa.gov/fpfCFi

O has continued most Bush policies, domstc & forgn MT @mmhastings @lrozen Obama hasnt launched military interventions- Afg/Iraq he inherited

Dr. Bob Arnot: “How hard is it to take down a 1960s air force.”

Country Joe: “The Arab League asked for a ‘no fly zone’ over Libya. I wonder why they cannot do it themselves?”

.@wiartteacher disagree: Fox admits conservatism/pro big-biz. MSNBC claims to be liberal yet mostly propagandizes against the middle class

MSNBC worst offender RT: @DianeRavitch: Is investigative reporting dead? Why do reporters, pundits parrot corporate party line?

Big media owned by big corporations, and loves corporate reform for schools: privatization, de-professionalization.

I remember when I looked down my nose at people who wrote code for phones. #old #assembler

.@nickkristof pay basic salary to teach, u’ll draw great teachrs; pay big salary to babysit in unsupportv environmnt, u’ll get crap teachers

Gen. Wesley Clark says Libya doesn’t meet the test for U.S. military action http://t.co/osUDWT1

NYT’s James C. McKinley Jr. scores one for rape culture – http://nyti.ms/f0Z8mz

AP: Palestinian kills 3 Jewish children and their parents in religious neighborhood on the Sabbath http://apne.ws/f88ese

With HuluPlus, you can watch a Jersey Shore ep that is free to watch on mtv.com and a 5-yr-old The Office re-run. Wow, what a business model

or a Democrat party led by actual Democrats RT: @irasocol: The silence of @BarackObama indicates why US needs a Labor Party #WIunion

Bibi: Israel is only country in the region where women have equal rights – salutes female soldiers on Int’l Women’s Day http://bit.ly/dTg8OD

where #tigerblood comes from: http://t.co/fqkBuwV

#CharlieSheenReplacements for realz that’s a no-brainer-> @MrCraigBierko

.@charliesheen reminds me of Buster Keaton. Should probly be that funny guy in every teen comedy for the next 50 years -> $$$$$

I’m available to write a pilot for @charliesheen, @ralphmacchio and @MeloraHardin. #cantmiss #winning

Is @charliesheen the most followed Jew on twitter? http://j.mp/gPz5BN (via @GoodForTheJews)

Missing California 13-year-old ran away to avoid arranged marriage in Pakistan http://t.co/WKkvdSt

But was he on “primer”? MT @PeterBotte at #Mets camp: Reyes playfully addresses Hu as “Quien.”

Experts Fear Looted Libyan Arms May Land in Terrorist Hands – http://nyti.ms/gNwO2N

Why is @andersoncooper lobbying so hard for US bombs over Libya? Well, a brand new war would be great for @CNN’s ratings, his own included.

since @charliesheen is unemployed, I think the #Mets should pick him up to replace Castillo. couldn’t do any worse. #winning

Taliban takes credit for assassination of liberal politician – http://nyti.ms/hlnWTg

Suspect in Frankfurt airport killings now described as German Muslim, two US airmen killed, two injured: http://apne.ws/dUX7X3 -EF

MT @ADL_National Galliano apologizes: http://tinyurl.com/4dfgfh4

Report: Julian Assange complains of Jewish and “sort of Jewish” conspiracy http://t.co/poMhSxX

could we finish up in Afghanistan before we start bombing Libya? Thanks.

HRC sez Iran hypocritical in its condemnation of Libya – “denial of human dignity in Iran is an outrage”

best dress – Jennifer Lawrence (Calvin Klein); best look – Mila Kunis

. @martinchulov reports: Heavily armed Libyan militias preparing for assault on Tripoli http://gu.com/p/2nd2d/tw (via @Max_Fisher)

CBS News: Benghazi mobilizing for jihad against Qaddafi

“Only the hopelessly naive imagine that 30-something Google execs will emerge as the new leaders of the Arab world… http://wp.me/pdWXS-fA

that link kinda shows if Obama doesnt enforce immigratn law while we have hi unemployment, Dems will lose even more power come next election

In Sweden, Immigration Policies Begin to Rankle – http://nyti.ms/fKD8eN

High performing nations are not creating privately managed schools, demoralizing teachers, or allowing amateurs to run schools.

Ayaan: The Supreme Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood still believes that press, cinema, theatre must all conform to Muslim Law.

Ayaan: Muslim Brotherhood gains power by using the vocabulary of freedom.

An American Honor Killing: One Victim’s Story http://t.co/88W51YE via @TIME

Deal w/ the devil? MT @HotlineReid How did this not get bigger play: US engaged in direct, secret talks w/ Taliban leaders, NewYorker reprts

Are These People Overpaid? http://huff.to/eKfRJc

kindy-garden teachers from HELL! MT @doctawojo cracks me up when people talk about the violent, communist rhetoric coming out of … the NEA

Reuters: Spokesman for the terrorist organization, Hamas: “the future is looking good” (via @MEaglen @blakehounshell)

are u sposed to eat grits with a fork or a spoon?

Debt has grown $3.5 trillion on Obama’s watch : http://t.co/67iSAX9 via @cbsnews

just telliing them who should not be RT: @markknoller: WH repeatedly says the US is not trying to tell any nation who should be its leader.

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Say It Isn’t So

Ferguson On Revolution

Logo Muslim Brotherhood

Image via Wikipedia

Harvard’s Niall Ferguson talks strategy and revolution in Newsweek:

Only the hopelessly naive imagine that 30-something Google executives will emerge as the new leaders of the Arab world, aided by their social network of Facebook friends. The far more likely outcome—as in past revolutions—is that power will pass to the best organized, most radical, and most ruthless elements in the revolution, which in this case means Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood.

As I write, the Iranians have made their most brazen move yet by sending two warships through the Suez Canal into the eastern Mediterranean. This should not worry only Israel. It should also worry Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who dreams of a revived Ottoman Empire as the dominant power in the region.


the rest of the article here

Newsweek’s Newest

Collection of links on Muslim Brotherhood


excerpted from Niall Ferguson’s column in Newsweek:

These were Obama’s words back in June 2009:

America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles—principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.

Those lines will come back to haunt Obama if, as cannot be ruled out, the ultimate beneficiary of his bungling in Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood, which remains by far the best organized opposition force in the country—and wholly committed to the restoration of the caliphate and the strict application of Sharia. Would such an outcome advance “tolerance and the dignity of all human beings” in Egypt? Somehow, I don’t think so.


Girl Scout Handbook – 1920



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